Beer Heights Light Railway

Location Details

  Post Code: EX12 3NA
  Distance from park: 4.6 miles
  Web site: Visit Web Site

Beer Heights Light Railway

Beer Heights Light Railway first opened to the public on the 14 July 1975, is considered by many to be the finest 7.25 inch gauge railway in Britain, and is part ofPecorama, which is located high on the hillside above the village of Beer and is quite famous, dontcherknow!

A ride on the railway offers wonderful views over Lyme Bay to distant Portland Bill, and you get to travel a wonderfully complex and convoluted circuit (due to extensions made to the line over the years), about a mile in length. The route has a number of great features, including a lengthy tunnel, bridges, and extensive sidings, one of which is so steeply graded it zig zags down to ‘Beer Mine', which is set in the hillside above Wildway Park.